In a horrific turn of events, actors who are starring in legendary cricketer Shane Warne’s biopic were rushed to the hospital after a massive mishap. The biopic titled ‘Warnie’ which is set to premiere on June 25 saw this incident while the two actors were shooting an intimate scene.
Alex Williams and Marny Kennedy, the two main actors who have stepped into the shoes as Shane Warne and his wife Simone Callahan, were filming the love scene when this incident took place. The Melbourne-born actress Marny revealed that it was a little makeout scene when the two (Shane & Simone) were young that this accident took place.
“We were going down a corridor and we were meant to push into the bedroom and land on the band, but we completely missed the bed,” Marny told Australia’s Daily Telegraph. The actress further informed while she was left bandaged with a wrist fracture, Alex who is playing the role of late cricketer Shane Warne, suffered head injury.
“We ended up sitting in the emergency room together, he with a bandage around his head and me with my wrist strapped” the 29-year-old Australian actress added.
The cricketer, who lost his life on March 4, 2022 due to a suspected heart attack in Thailand is survived by three children from his former wife Simone Callahan. The two had a 10-year-long marriage before they parted ways. The late cricketer, who is reckoned as the greatest of all times took 708 Test wickets in 145 matches in his 15-year-long career, which is the second most of all time.
Talking more on his biopic, Australia’s Nine Network, where Warne worked as a commentator for over 20 years started working on the project soon after his demise in March. The biopic is set to be released in two- parts; however the date is yet not confirmed.