Vikash Kandola rose to the occasion when it mattered the most for Bengaluru Bulls in the Pro Kabaddi League Season 10. After going down in four consecutive games, the Bulls needed an inspiring performance from their star player and Kandola delivered 11 points to hand the Bulls a 38-36 victory over the U.P. Yoddhas on Monday.
Speaking about his performance, Bengaluru Bulls' Head Coach Randhir Singh Sehrawat said, "Before the match, Vikash told me that he would win the game for us. I was very happy to hear that. He is a very talented player. The Bengaluru Bulls are known for making comebacks and hopefully, we'll win our last game in Bengaluru."
Meanwhile, Vikash Kandola expressed that the team's performance is more important than his own, "My Super 10 was not important. It was more important for the team to win in front of our home fans. Our coach has been giving me confidence. He keeps telling me that I will play well. This was a kind of a do-or-die match for us because had we lost three consecutive games at home then we would have lost confidence for the rest of the season."
The Head Coach also said that he didn't let the team lose its morale after a difficult start in the league, "I made sure that the team's morale didn't go down. We have 17 more league games to go. The performance depends on team morale. If morale is down then performance will also go down."
(With Inputs From Press Release)