The grand auction of the Bharat Veteran Premier League 2023 took place at The Lalit Hotel in Mumbai on October 1. The bidding ceremony was sponsored by the Board for Veteran Cricket in India (BVCI) and organised by the IPCA (Indian Power Cricket Academy). The BVPL which features veteran cricket players of different countries will kick off in the city of Dehradun in December 2023.
A total of six teams, including VVIP Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan Legends, Red Carpet Delhi, Chhattisgarh Warriors, Telangana Tigers and Mumbai Champions will participate in the inaugural season of the league which will be played in T20I format.
Each team will have a roster of 16 players, 10 out of them who are popular international cricketers, in the names of Chris Gayle, Sanath Jayasuriya, Michael Clarke, Christopher Mpofu, Thisara Perera, Phil Mustard, Owais Shah, Dilshan Munaweera, Shahriar Nafees and Robert Frylinck.
Each team will consist of 12 regional players, two international superstars and two Indian icons ensuring that fans go back in time to have the taste of vintage cricket. Speaking of the auction, Telangana Tigers landed the former West Indies player Chris Gayle as their international icon. On the other hand, Mumbai Champions signed Chris Morris as their international icon.
Indian Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, who also acts as the president of BVIC, expressed his delight on the occasion and said that the forthcoming tournament is more than just a league. Gadkari said, “BVPL is more than just a cricket league; it’s a celebration of the enduring love for cricket and the skill of our veteran players. I’m thrilled to see the enthusiasm and talent this league brings forth. We’re proud to support this initiative and look forward to an extraordinary season ahead.”