Two-time Paris Olympics 2024 sensation Manu Bhaker, who kept entire nation hooked, earlier in the day on August 3, finished fourth and missed her third medal of the edition. Bhaker, who finished second in the qualifiers on Friday, missed her third podium finish by a whisker in the final. The day also saw Indian veteran Deepika Kumari aiming her way through to the quarterfinals of the women’s Individual event, whereas her compatriot Bhajan Kaur bowed out of the multi-sport spectacle. Eventually, Kumari also bowed out of the competition after a heartbreaking loss to her Korean counterpart.
On Day 8 of the Paris Olympics, Indian hockey team will be up against Great Britain in the quarterfinal clash.
Here’s India’s schedule for Day 9 of Paris Olympics 2024:
12:30 pm- Vijayveer Sidhu, Anish Bhanwala 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men’s Qualification
1:00 pm- Maheshwari Chauhan- Women’s Skeet Qualification Day 2
7:00 pm- (If Qualified) Maheshwari Chauhan- Women’s Skeet Final
1:30 pm-Indian men’s hockey vs Great Britain: Men’s Quarterfinal
1:35 pm- Parul Chaudhary: Women’s 3000m Steeplechase Round 1
2:30 pm- Jeswin Aldrin: Men’s Long Jump Qualification
3:02 pm- Lovlina Borgohain vs Li Qian: Women’s 75kg Quarterfinal
Not before 3:30pm: Lakshya Sen vs Viktor Axelsen- Men’s Singles Semifinal
3:35 pm: Vishnu Saravanan: Men’s Dinghy Race 7 and 8
6:05 pm: Nethra Kumanan: Women’s Dinghy Race 7 and 8